Domestic violence involves different abusive behaviours, such as physical, psychological, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse.  This behaviour can occur within intimate or familial relationships. Criminal law has put protective measures for anyone who is a victim of any of the above forms of domestic violence. Though most people will tend to think that only family law will protect victims of domestic violence, this article will help you learn how criminal law also plays a part in ensuring that victims of domestic violence are protected.

Ways in Which Criminal Law Protects Victims of Domestic Violence in Melbourne

Criminal law offers protection to victims of domestic violence in several ways, which include;

  • Defining domestic violence as a crime

This is among how criminal law protects victims of domestic violence.  Though most people usually think that domestic violence is a private matter, today, it is recognised as a very serious legal issue that can result in serious consequences for the abuser. Therefore, when a member of a family is abused, the abuser is treated as a criminal, and their actions are unacceptable and punishable by law.  Criminal law also ensures perpetrators face penalties like fines, probation, imprisonment and restraining orders.  Through criminalising domestic violence, criminal law provides that abusers are punished, protecting the victims from further abuse. Additionally, it ensures that it deters potential offenders, thereby ensuring that victims of domestic abuse are protected.

  • Providing restraining orders

Restraining orders are also called protection orders and are among the protective tools that are provided to the victims of domestic violence.  Through these orders, the abusers are legally prohibited from approaching or contacting the victims. Restraining orders can be different depending on the behaviours of the abusers. For instance, it can dictate that the abuser leave a home they share with the victim, prohibit them from visiting them, and even communicate with the victim using any means.  Through the restraining order, the victims of domestic violence get all the protection they need, especially if they are planning to leave a toxic and abusive relationship.  This way, criminal law provides them with protection against further violence and makes their victims feel safe.

  • Arresting and prosecuting abusers

Criminal law also provides policies that aim to arrest and prosecute abusers. In case a victim calls the police when they are being victimised, the police have to arrest the abuser if they get proof that they have abused their loved ones. Even if the victims do not want to press any charges, criminal law gives law enforcement the mandate to take steps that will stop domestic abuse.  This way, they can proceed to arrest and protect the abuser, ensuring that they do not threaten or manipulate their victims.  This also ensures that justice is served for the victims of domestic violence, even when they have the burden to seek justice for themselves.

  • Supporting and advocating for victims of domestic violence

Another way in which criminal law offers protection to victims of domestic violence is by offering them support services. This includes providing them with shelter and counselling.  Due to this support, the victims can rebuild their lives.

Additionally, criminal law ensures victims have legal advocates to help them obtain protection orders, file criminal complaints, and understand their rights.  Also, criminal law firms and lawyers often provide victims with free or low-fee legal services, especially if they need representation during court trials.

  • Holding abusers accountable

Another way that criminal law offers protection to victims of domestic violence is by ensuring that abusers are held accountable.  This happens through fines, mandatory rehabilitation, and imprisonment. As a result, abusers get to learn that their behaviour cannot be tolerated. This also sends a message to other people and helps deter future violence.

There are so many victims of domestic violence who find protection from criminal law in Melbourne.  This has saved their lives and helped them leave abusive relationships without fear of victimisation. Also, criminal law ensures that abusers are warned that domestic abuse is a form of crime that is not taken lightly by the law. Find Melbourne’s criminal law experts to help defend you.

Haseeb Pineda

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